Pavel BolfKatana kajiJapanese swords and knives making
We mainly deal with custom made japanese swords and knives by traditional technologies.
Japanese swords
Our swords are made mostly by traditional technologies. These include steel making, smith-like folding, and welding of the steel, hand-forging of the blade, hardening of the blade to HAMON. Then follows a hand-making of koshirae for the sword and a traditional way of polishing of the blade on stones.
Besides the traditionally made swords, we also make swords from homogenous modern steel suitable for Iaido and Tameshigiri practice.
Due to my interest in Japanese swords also my knife production is strongly influenced that way. As well as with the swords it is possible to choose from knives made of homogenous carbon steels, folded carbon steels and folded steels of my own production (oroshigane). With folded steel it is also possible to choose knives forged from hagane (folded high quality steel forming the cutting edge) in full profile, or from sandwich where hagane is only in the middle and the edge and the sides are formed by damask steel. Damask steel is folded steel with very distinctive structure after folding..
About Japanese swords I'm began interest somewhere in the year 1987. Firstly as a user when I started to practice Iaido. I was more and more fascinated with the production of the swords itself.
Making Japanese swords became my profession in 2000...